Travel Food

Since I’ll be traveling soon (viva la Mexico with my best dietitian girlfriends!) I have travel food on the brain. Once we get there, I know we’ll head to the nearest grocery store and stock up on delicious food to cook in the Air BnB. And let me tell you - when four dietitians travel together, we eat incredible food! We also have big plans to enjoy lots of authentic tacos. But with two long travel days on either end, I know I need to be prepared with high protein snacks to keep me fully satiated. Here are some foods I typically bring when I travel:

Trail mix - I go for a mix with unsweetened dried fruit and no chocolate since I don’t want it to melt while I travel. The sweet and salty mix hits all my taste buds and won’t go bad before my return trip.

Jerky sticks - I like Chomps beef or turkey sticks for an easy 10g of protein 

Protein bars - I’ve been loving the Aloha bars for their low sugar and high protein content. Current favorite is the white chocolate raspberry flavor.

Tuna and salmon pouches - Starkist  has these super handy vacuum sealed pouches of seasoned tuna and salmon with 17g of protein. I’ll usually grab a garden salad at the airport and put one or two of the buffalo flavored tuna pouches on top for a high protein, high fiber meal before a flight. 

Protein pancakes - There are many recipes for these floating around the internet. I’ll make a small batch and eat them at room temperature.

Hard boiled eggs - I throw two of these in my bag and eat them before boarding the plane. 

Greek yogurt or cottage cheese - I’ll purchase a cup of one of these at the airport and pair it with my eggs for a quick meal. 

Protein oats - For especially long flights, I’ll pack a ziplock baggie of dry oats and protein powder. Once on the plane I’ll ask the flight attendant for a cup of hot water, and mix in my oat mixture for a meal in minutes. You can also toss some crushed nuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds and dried fruit in the mix.

Cheese crisps - I love baked cheese crackers (with cheese as the only ingredient) because they’re super flavorful and crunchy and better than whatever airplane snack is handed out.

Electrolytes - I chug a LOT of water on flights and this time will be packing a bunch of my LMNT electrolyte packets to mix in and  improve my hydration. 

Fresh fruit - Apples usually travel best since they won’t get mushed in my bag.

My husband jokes that I pack enough food to feed me for the whole week, well beyond my two travel days, but I’ve never been left in a lurch when traveling and can enjoy the trip without hunger crashes or spending absurd amounts of money on food at the airport.


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