Benefits of walking after meals

During a busy day, it can be hard enough to sit down for a balanced meal, let alone get up and go for a walk afterward. But the benefits of movement after meals is indisputable, and as the weather is warming up in the northeast, it’s the perfect time to implement some walks after you eat to reap the many benefits that go beyond boosting energy, endorphins and reducing stress. 

Walking even just 10 minutes after  eating has the following benefits:

Improved Blood Sugar Regulation:

When we walk, our muscles increase their responsiveness to glucose, making it easier for them to absorb and use it efficiently. This process helps regulate blood sugar levels, preventing spikes and promoting more stable energy. Walking soon after a meal is beneficial as blood sugar levels tend to spike between 60-90 minutes after eating.  

Improved Digestion:

Taking a stroll post-meal aids in digestion by promoting the movement of food through the digestive tract. Moving on the outside gets things moving on the inside! 

Decreased Bloat:

This goes hand in hand with an improvement in digestion. If you find yourself bloated or gassy after meals, improving digestion with post-meal walks can alleviate feelings of bloating and discomfort. If you’re experiencing more than normal gas and bloating after eating, it’s important to work with a dietitian to help find the underlying cause.

Improved Sleep and Enhanced Mood:

Physical activity triggers the release of endorphins which promote a sense of well-being and reduce stress. Walking in sunshine also increases your exposure to mood-boosting vitamin D. Exposing your eyes to morning, midday and evening sunlight helps enhance your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, making it easier to fall asleep. 

Improved Body Composition:

Walking after a meal enhances insulin sensitivity, which helps the body use glucose for energy instead of storing it as fat. When brisk walking (about 2.5 mph), which is considered low to moderate activity, the body uses stored fat as fuel compared to workouts with higher intensity, which rely on carbohydrates.

The benefits of walking after meals are so good, there’s truly no reason not to! Throw on some earbuds to listen to a book, music or podcast, walk with a friend or pup, or just enjoy the sounds of your surroundings while you walk to improve so many aspects of your health. 


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